Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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About the BK Team
Developing End of Life Expertise by Barbara Karnes, RN

You have to walk the walk before you can talk the talk. Learn from your patient/family interactions. At the same time read everything you can get your hands on...

WORKING TOGETHER, Hospice & Nursing Facilities by Barbara Karnes, RN

Hospice has worked with nursing facilities for many years now. Our relationship  and interactions with patients and their families is now better understood and better defined. That said, some nursing facilities...

An Unpleasant Memory of Dad's Care, Article by End of Life Expert Barbara Karnes RN

I am sharing this letter and my response because this family is not the only family that has carried memories, sometimes for years, of situations that occurred as their loved...

8 Things to Consider Regarding End of Life Pain Management by Barbara Karnes, RN

Often dying looks painful to the people watching. Dying is a struggle to get out of the body. There are sounds that ordinarily would indicate discomfort but, when a person...

I Hear You, But I Don't Understand by Barbara Karnes, RN

...I remember being with my mother in my hospice Medical Director’s office. He was explaining to my mother his medical findings as they related to her illness. I, being a...

SOCIAL WORKERS: I Want To Be Like You When I Grow Up by End of Life Educator, Barbara Karnes, RN

This is the story that came to mind when I decided to write a blog for National Social Work month. Social work, to me, is about saying the right words...

My Personal Integrity Was Wounded Tonight by Barbara Karnes

When hospice began it was outside of the medical model. It provided end of life care based on quality, not quantity, of life. It recognized when physical healing couldn't be...

Hospice~ What Have We Accomplished?

We’ve had over 40 years of providing end of life care to the community. And yes, it is acknowledgment of our work that there is a national Hospice month but...

BIRTH BACKWARDS, A Daughter's Death by Barbara Karnes, RN

At 8:17pm she took one more breath and then at 8:18 there was one more which I describe as hot caramel pouring onto vanilla ice cream. It was the most...

A PLACE IN MY HEART, When A Pet Dies by Barbara Karnes, RN

We can be as much at a loss when our pet is dying as we are when a person is dying but there doesn’t seem to be the support and...

Purpose, Forgiveness and Meaning at End of Life

What is the aim of a life review? As a caregiver my aim is not to direct a life review but to be a presence, a listener, and a friend....

Where Is The Hospice I Know And Love? by Barbara Karnes, RN

Hospice can not take the experience and sadness of a loved one dying away. Our goal is to help the family create a sacred experience, to help their loved one...

3 Things You Can Do As Someone Is Dying by Barbara Karnes, RN

The hours before actual death is very scary, a "I don't know what to do" time, for anyone present. Someone who knows the normal natural way a person dies can...

WHY NOT HOSPICE? A Reluctance To Refer by Barbara Karnes, RN

If the signs are there, get the referral and let a hospice professional determine if Hospice is appropriate. Three things I look for to tell me if it is time...

Pain, Morphine & "Dying in Peace" by Barbara Karnes, RN

It is certainly not within our role to act if a person, in the pain of the moment, wants help in ending their life. In the “pain of the moment”...

A Hospice With Integrity by Barbara Karnes, RN

Be the best hospice you can possibly be, provide the highest quality of care with the most compassionate, caring staff your area has to offer. Build a reputation within the...

Calories Count by Barbara Karnes, RN

When living with a life threatening illness we are eating for two---our physical body and our disease. In most cases the disease eats before we do. If we don’t eat,...

DYING Young or Old, The Signs Are The Same by Barbara Karnes, RN

There are other signs of approaching death that indicate a person with a disease (at any age) has weeks to live...

The Profound Affect Of Dementia On Families By Barbara Karnes, RN

I can say that dementia doesn’t play by the rules for end of life. Withdrawing and sleeping can be present for years and does not signify approaching death. Not eating...

This Is How People Die, A New Film By Barbara Karnes, RN : Award Winning End of Life Educator & Hospice Pioneer

My message throughout all this time has been to educate, educate, educate. Educate anyone who will listen about how people die. To help people understand how death comes, what it...

Nursing Home Blues, Part 2 by Barbara Karnes, RN

...Fortunately, I suppose, my mother is now bed-bound and we were able toget Hospice to help out, so she now fits the bill for a 'model patient'... but itstill seems...

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