Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
Supporting a Hospice Patient During Their Life Review

As end of life approaches, people start looking at their life; what they’ve accomplished, not done, who they have touched, interacted with, and the relationships they have or have not built...

Is Mouth Care Considered Medical or Comfort Care at End of Life?

There is nothing medical about brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth or moistening the inside of your mouth. We do it all the time. Why would it be suddenly considered a...

Why Do Children Die

Unfortunately, children die. We are born, we experience, and then we die. That's the name of this game called life...

A Hospice Halloween

In the early days of hospice no one told us how long we could stay with the patient and families. We simply made it up as we went along. Our goal...

Traumatic Hospice Experience article by Barbara Karnes, RN

Immediately following the death I clean the body (offer family, if they want, to help or not), tidy the room, turn off overhead lights and have a small lamp on....

Supporting a Colleague With A Dying Loved One

This has led me to think about what any of us can do for an acquaintance who has a serious illness or is caring for someone who has a serious...