Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
This list is a gift for those you will leave behind...

This is a guide all would be wise to complete now (and regularly update) before the information is needed. It is a gift to those left behind...

“It is through the eyes of fear that we react to the unknown of how life ends…”

Knowledge is important for the person dying because they are processing their life on many levels. It is important for the watchers because it is our final opportunity to connect,...

What if everyday was  “I Love You Day?”

Working with end of life all these years has shown me how special each day is. It has also shown me the value and the gift of living, doing, and...

When people don’t die like they do in the movies, we think something bad is happening…

We used to have role models on what dying really looks like. People died at home, in their own bed. Family and friends gathered — held a vigil, so to speak. When...

What I Would Look For In a End of Life Doula Training Course

There are many different approaches and offerings. These multiple choices give you the chance to match your personality with the instructors and teaching methodology...

Denial of a Life Limiting Illness

Denial by the person with a life threatening illness, denial by the caregiver, and I’ll even add denial by some attending physicians. Denial is often the reaction to diseases that have...

All The Ways We Have For Saying Our Final Goodbyes

We used to have grandma’s body “laid out” in the parlor and family and friends came to our home with support and food. Grandma died in the home and we...

Tomorrow I will Make my Wishes known but not Today.

If we don’t legally make our wishes known in writing and generally notarized, healthcare professionals will make those decisions for us...

Can We Revive the Essence of Hospice?

In the ideal picture, the goal is the patient’s death. Everything that is done before the death is preparation for the actual moment death occurs. Everything after the death gradually eases...

The Difficulties of Being Discharged From Hospice Care

Why is the patient being discharged, you ask? Is it because the patient just didn’t decline as rapidly as expected? Yes, that can be the situation...

Addressing Realistic Timelines for the Dying

Addressing the timelines of approaching death also neutralizes the false hope that our person will get better, that there is more time.

What Do I Do?  Mom Has Progressive Cancer and is Refusing Hospice.

Tell her honestly what you are feeling and ask for help. Just FYI: she can sign on for hospice and if she felt she needed to go to the emergency...

Helping A Family Decide Whether to End Life Support

If you have a good, amicable relationship then get them together and say, with caring in your heart, "I am going to tell you some things I have learned about...

When It Comes To End of Life Care, It Takes a Village

Hospice is widely known for providing end of life care. It has grown in size and in its original scope of services. Even its definition of “end of life care”...

How do you tell someone something they don’t want to hear?

It is our job, our responsibility as end of life workers to be honest with our patients. In a “don’t tell mom” situation I first assess where everyone is, who...

Hospice Services Pulled for Dementia Patient

There is a huge void in our medical system that so many families living with dementia fall into. These families have a loved one too sick and require too much...

IF I WERE -- a funeral home, a hospice worker, an attorney, a physician, a social worker, a nursing facility...

Dying isn't like it is in the movies. We don't know what it is like to die from disease or old age and while everyone is going to do it,...

"We Can't Fix You- Let's Talk..."

We are not able to fix everyone. The physical body is programmed to die. It is made to die. So at some point the medical professionals will have to have...

What Does Teaching End of Life Care Look Like?

I’ve always said I can teach anyone how to take care of someone who is dying, the physical, communication, supportive skills. It is the interpersonal, empathy, and heart skills that...

END OF LIFE CARE- Providing Education, Support and Guidance

Dying is not a medical event. Dying is a communal, social event. Nursing and physicians are part of care, but not the all encompassing focus. The main focus of end...

End of Life Doula Training- Finding The Right Fit

Since at this time there are no “standards of practice” or even standards for the content given in end of life training, think about what you are looking to provide....

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