Something to Think About: a blog on end of life

Nursing Home Blues, Part 2 by Barbara Karnes, RN

Nursing Home Blues, Part 2

...Fortunately, I suppose, my mother is now bed-bound and we were able toget Hospice to help out, so she now fits the bill for a 'model patient'... but itstill seems...

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The Nursing Home Blues by Barbara Karnes, RN

The Nursing Home Blues

As we get older, life presents us with different challenges. We adapt to them in the same way we have lived our life and dealt with all the challenges in...

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How Do I Pick A Good Hospice? by Barbara Karnes, RN

How Do I Pick a Good Hospice?

There have been many changes in hospice care since it began. Some for the better, some not so much. What I am suggesting as representing a “good” hospice is becoming...

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When a Dream is Shattered by Barbara Karnes, RN

When a Dream is Shattered

It is not too late to examine the lesson, to rethink your reaction to it and to put all those tormented thoughts and feelings to rest. I am not expecting...

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