Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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What if everyday was  “I Love You Day?”

Working with end of life all these years has shown me how special each day is. It has also shown me the value and the gift of living, doing, and...

Do Families Want Hospice Present During The Death?

We need to explain the way most people die — especially the not so pretty parts. This includes the sounds, movements, pees, poops, frowns, grimaces, and the struggles that accompany...

When people don’t die like they do in the movies, we think something bad is happening…

We used to have role models on what dying really looks like. People died at home, in their own bed. Family and friends gathered — held a vigil, so to speak. When...

What I Would Look For In a End of Life Doula Training Course

There are many different approaches and offerings. These multiple choices give you the chance to match your personality with the instructors and teaching methodology...

Supporting a Hospice Patient During Their Life Review

As end of life approaches, people start looking at their life; what they’ve accomplished, not done, who they have touched, interacted with, and the relationships they have or have not built...

Conversations and Cake: Death Cafes Around the World

I see Death Cafes as the start of a conversation; the start of opening ourselves up to exploring end of life issues; the start of breaking the belief that if I talk...

Tomorrow I will Make my Wishes known but not Today.

If we don’t legally make our wishes known in writing and generally notarized, healthcare professionals will make those decisions for us...

Six Months After My Husband Died

It has been almost six months since my husband of 62 years died. As an end of life educator I have taught about loss and grief, and even wrote a booklet about it. BUT...

Can We Revive the Essence of Hospice?

In the ideal picture, the goal is the patient’s death. Everything that is done before the death is preparation for the actual moment death occurs. Everything after the death gradually eases...

Helping A Family Decide Whether to End Life Support

If you have a good, amicable relationship then get them together and say, with caring in your heart, "I am going to tell you some things I have learned about...

IF I WERE -- a funeral home, a hospice worker, an attorney, a physician, a social worker, a nursing facility...

Dying isn't like it is in the movies. We don't know what it is like to die from disease or old age and while everyone is going to do it,...

What Does Teaching End of Life Care Look Like?

I’ve always said I can teach anyone how to take care of someone who is dying, the physical, communication, supportive skills. It is the interpersonal, empathy, and heart skills that...

Using Subtle Tools To Help Process A Life

In the months before death when the patient is still alert, still actively engaging, watch for clues, for openings to help bring the "what has life been about" thoughts forward...

End of Life Doula Training- Finding The Right Fit

Since at this time there are no “standards of practice” or even standards for the content given in end of life training, think about what you are looking to provide....

Caregiver Support Group As An End of Life Doula

Getting the word to caregivers that there is such a thing as a support group may be challenging. You might talk with church groups, case managers, hospital discharge planners, and...

Is Mouth Care Considered Medical or Comfort Care at End of Life?

There is nothing medical about brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth or moistening the inside of your mouth. We do it all the time. Why would it be suddenly considered a...

When Is It Time To Choose Comfort Care?

When the doctor says, “We have tried everything and the treatments are not working to eliminate the disease progression;” “Let’s talk about how you can best live your life from this point...

Why Do Children Die

Unfortunately, children die. We are born, we experience, and then we die. That's the name of this game called life...

Healthcare Workers, Hospices, Home Health, Deathcare Workers~  7 Recommendations  for Taking Care of Yourself

I keep shouting from the roof top to hospitals, hospices, home health care agencies, and nursing facilities, “TAKE CARE OF YOUR PEOPLE!!!!!” How can we expect healthcare workers to continue...

We Are Born, We Experience, And Then We Die, an article about the dying process from Barbara Karnes, RN

... if we would educate ourselves before we need the information, before someone we care about is dying, before we are faced with a life threatening illness, or before someone we...

Hospice Innovator Barbara Karnes, RN explains the 3 Signs of Approaching Death from Disease or Old Age

 Know that all of these signs of approaching death, whether indicating months or weeks, are just guideposts. Some people will show all of them...

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