Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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About the BK Team
Traveling The Road of Grief

I want to share with you some of the suggestions you have shared with me. Ideas for filling a huge space left empty by the death of someone who made...

 I am now reaching out to you, fellow grievers…

Widows and widowers who are living alone, I have a question to ask you. What do you do with your days? 

Grieving is Loneliness and Aloneness

I think a big part of grieving is loneliness. Loneliness for our person who has left us but also aloneness in our day to day activities...

“I’m fine” The Universal Response From Grievers

What do I, the sufferer, want from you then, if “how are you?” doesn’t work?

Adjusting After Our  Person Has Died

It is a challenging part of life, both emotionally and physically, to figure out how to live productively when this person is no longer with us...

Six Months After My Husband Died

It has been almost six months since my husband of 62 years died. As an end of life educator I have taught about loss and grief, and even wrote a booklet about it. BUT...

Another Aspect of Grief That I Didn’t Know Until Now

This is another aspect of grief I didn’t know until now that I am living it. Who am I if I am only one? What have I wanted to do...

Grievers Probably Won't Reach Out To You

I’ve noticed people are hesitant to talk about the person that died or use their name...

The Part of Grief You Don't Know ---Until You Do

Now I have to learn how to be a widow. How to create a new life, a new way of being. I am truly alone. 

Who Are You Remembering This Holiday Season?

Death has touched us all, some more recently than others.  Grief has no actual timeline, no end point where we are suddenly “fine”.  Each of us responds to our loss...

Do I Stay In Contact After the Death?

We in health care, enter a family's life at a challenging, sad and fearful time. It is our acts of thoughtfulness that will be remembered and provide comfort.

The Reluctance to Attend Bereavement Support Groups

This is where bereavement support groups come in. Support groups are for anyone experiencing a death. The groups are not for just those people having challenges in dealing with their...

"I Feel Your Death Is My Fault. I'm Sorry I Let You Die"

From what you have told me I believe your mother's death was no one's fault, certainly not yours. Her body, after all the years of illness, couldn't continue and she...

My New Tool  For Working  With Grief

We tend to carry within our memory every death encounter we have ever had.  Yes, even we professionals who work with end of life. BUT it is the personal deathbed memory,...

Grief and Dating- Will Family Say It's Too Soon?

Aside from pleasing or displeasing others let's look at some issues that can occur as the result of becoming socially and or romantically involved soon after a death of a...

Cleaning Out Their Belongings After Death article by End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

First, if you don’t have to clean out belongings, don’t for awhile, wait even months if necessary. There can be great comfort found in putting on an unwashed sweater of...

The Scar In Your Heart, Grief In End of Life Care by American Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN

You asked why your relationship to your hospice work was affected following the death of your dad. I think because every time you entered a patient's home and life it...

FOUR “NAUGHTIES” FOR END OF LIFE article by End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

Keeping Secrets: “Don’t tell mom.” Don’t say that she could die.” Don’t talk to her about “sad” things.” “Pretend everything is going to be alright.”  Mom lives inside of her body....

In A Time Of Overwhelming Loss article by End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN about grief and bereavement

When someone we know or are close to dies we expect to grieve. We recognize our sadness but often we don’t recognize our impulsiveness to clean the house, or our...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN writes about caring for a patient with ALS as they approach end of life

Our children are not supposed to die before we do. I cannot think of any grief more intense than watching our child deteriorate before our eyes. We grieve their dying...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who have had a loved one die in a violent way in her new blog, How To Grieve a Violent Death.

Sudden death by accident, suicide and certainly by violence intensifies those normal grief responses. Everything we feel with normal grief is as if we are being held under a magnifying...

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