Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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Did Morphine Exacerbate Her Condition?

 90% of end of life care is education. People don’t die like they do in the movies, yet movies are our current role models. This leads to unrealistic expectations...

Using Palliative Sedation At End of Life

When the terminal illness, the disease progression, has been a pain filled experience and all comfort management options have been unsuccessful, then sleep is our friend...

Movies Make Dying Look Comfortable. What Do You Do When It's Not?

Our role models from movies and TV show us that dying is gentle, often poetic, certainly not scary or messy. Movies make dying look comfortable.

Demystifying the Use of Narcotics, Pain at End of Life

Not everyone who is dying has pain. Disease causes pain. If pain is not present, a narcotic is not appropriate (except a tiny bit can ease labored breathing is present...

The Anger Surrounding Narcotic Use at End of Life

Taking care of someone at the end of life is different from taking care of someone who is going to get better—-but most people don’t know that either. Unless we...

Refusing Morphine For a Dying Loved One

Fear, lack of knowledge, lack of being able to really hear and understand the knowledge being given, lack of trust, living in a country where opioids (identified under the word...

Hospice Works For You- Ask Questions!

If you are not satisfied with the conversation with your hospice nurse, if you are not completely comfortable with the nurse’s explanations, then call her supervisor and explain what you...

Rapid Heart Rate in the Dying

Their body is trying to keep going even while it is shutting down. The body's defenses are doing whatever they can to keep the body functioning THAT is why there...

Hospice Innovator Barbara Karnes, RN explains the 3 Signs of Approaching Death from Disease or Old Age

 Know that all of these signs of approaching death, whether indicating months or weeks, are just guideposts. Some people will show all of them...

Did the AIDS Epidemic Set Us Up To Handle COVID-19? by Barbara Karnes, RN

There are many of the same circumstances with today’s coronavirus as we faced with  HIV/AIDS in the early years— lack of medical knowledge, lack of guidance, and fear. I think...

International Woman of the Year 2015, Barbara Karnes, RN gives you the questions you need to ask when choosing a hospice for a loved one, or yourself.  MOM NEEDS HOSPICE? Here Are Your Questions To Choose the Right One...

There have been many changes in hospice care since it began. Some for the better, some not so much. What I am suggesting as representing a “good” hospice is becoming...

National Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN explains why she wrote her new booklet/resource, PAIN AT END OF LIFE for families, death doulas, nurses, hospice staff.

In todays culture with the opioid crisis rampant, fear of narcotic use is everywhere. That fear hinders our ability to provide appropriate comfort management and is leading to misconceptions about...

Pain, Morphine & "Dying in Peace" by Barbara Karnes, RN

It is certainly not within our role to act if a person, in the pain of the moment, wants help in ending their life. In the “pain of the moment”...

Award Winning End of Life Educator, Barbara Karnes, RN explains the use of morphine to help they dying.

The use of Morphine is one of the most misunderstood practices I encounter with families and end of life issues. Our society is so drug conscious we tend to equate...

American Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN writes ideas for best practices for new hospice nurses as they care for the dying.

If you teach your families well about the approaching end of life there will be no problems with them understanding the labor of dying. Having someone you care about dying is...

Let's Talk Poop-- Bowel Movements and End of Life Care

Being active helps us poop therefore the less active we are, and people approaching the end of their life through disease or old age gradually have less and less energy...