Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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Did Morphine Exacerbate Her Condition?

 90% of end of life care is education. People don’t die like they do in the movies, yet movies are our current role models. This leads to unrealistic expectations...

Demystifying the Use of Narcotics, Pain at End of Life

Not everyone who is dying has pain. Disease causes pain. If pain is not present, a narcotic is not appropriate (except a tiny bit can ease labored breathing is present...

Hospice Does Not Euthanize

I'm going to start by being blunt: hospice, end of life workers, hospitals, and nursing facilities make their money only as long as the people they serve are alive.. They...

The Anger Surrounding Narcotic Use at End of Life

Taking care of someone at the end of life is different from taking care of someone who is going to get better—-but most people don’t know that either. Unless we...

"I Feel Your Death Is My Fault. I'm Sorry I Let You Die"

From what you have told me I believe your mother's death was no one's fault, certainly not yours. Her body, after all the years of illness, couldn't continue and she...

"I Wanted Dad To Have a Gentle Death, But..."

...Rapid breathing like your dad was doing is exactly where a small bit of morphine (5 ml is small) helps slow down those 40/50 breaths a minute to a more...

Was It Panic Or A Final Moment Grimace? by Barbara Karnes, RN

Trying to "calm" a person who is choking or panicking doesn't actually work whether death is close or not. The question we have to ask is how close to death...

Hospice Innovator Barbara Karnes, RN explains the 3 Signs of Approaching Death from Disease or Old Age

 Know that all of these signs of approaching death, whether indicating months or weeks, are just guideposts. Some people will show all of them...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who have had a loved one die in a violent way in her new blog, How To Grieve a Violent Death.

Sudden death by accident, suicide and certainly by violence intensifies those normal grief responses. Everything we feel with normal grief is as if we are being held under a magnifying...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who are unable to be with their loved one at the time of death.

Our job as an end of life specialist is to address the elephant in the room, to be direct and honest in the gentlest way possible. We are not doing...

Opioids and narcotics are confusing for families with a loved one who is experiencing pain at end of life.  Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN educates on the subject.

Pain management is different in the last seven days because the body is not functioning in its normal way. Circulation, breathing, oxygen exchange are not happening properly so medications are...

International Woman of the Year 2015, Barbara Karnes, RN gives you the questions you need to ask when choosing a hospice for a loved one, or yourself.  MOM NEEDS HOSPICE? Here Are Your Questions To Choose the Right One...

There have been many changes in hospice care since it began. Some for the better, some not so much. What I am suggesting as representing a “good” hospice is becoming...

National Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN explains why she wrote her new booklet/resource, PAIN AT END OF LIFE for families, death doulas, nurses, hospice staff.

In todays culture with the opioid crisis rampant, fear of narcotic use is everywhere. That fear hinders our ability to provide appropriate comfort management and is leading to misconceptions about...

Developing End of Life Expertise by Barbara Karnes, RN

You have to walk the walk before you can talk the talk. Learn from your patient/family interactions. At the same time read everything you can get your hands on...

8 Things to Consider Regarding End of Life Pain Management by Barbara Karnes, RN

Often dying looks painful to the people watching. Dying is a struggle to get out of the body. There are sounds that ordinarily would indicate discomfort but, when a person...

7 Things to Consider Regarding End of Life Pain Management

Dying is not painful. Disease causes pain. If pain has not been an issue during the disease process then just because a person is actively dying does not mean they...

Award Winning End of Life Educator, Barbara Karnes, RN explains the use of morphine to help they dying.

The use of Morphine is one of the most misunderstood practices I encounter with families and end of life issues. Our society is so drug conscious we tend to equate...

Let's Talk Poop-- Bowel Movements and End of Life Care

Being active helps us poop therefore the less active we are, and people approaching the end of their life through disease or old age gradually have less and less energy...