Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team

QUESTION: Working in Hospice, I always had a terrible time with ---Do I stay in contact with the family after visitation or not? ANSWER: I think staying in contact with...

I recently received a question from “What would you like me to write about?”. The question was: For 20 years I have been asking for a slightly more technical explanation...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN explains Terminal Restlessness.

Terminal restlessness is a medical term for the restlessness and agitation that often begins one to three weeks before death from disease. The restlessness shows itself by random body movements,...

QUESTION: “How do you help a family go through the dying process?”. Because we don’t have accurate role models on what happens when a person is dying, we generally approach...

QUESTION: Why didn’t you write about the vomiting that occurred18 hours before my husband died? I am sorry your husband had what appears to be an unusual yet not abnormal...

The question, "Will you discuss palliative sedation?" has come up several times so I am putting my response in this section rather than the Comments. Palliative Sedation is a term...

I, Barbara, am not afraid of being dead. I have a belief system that says “When you are dead you are in a better place.” I also think being dead...

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