Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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Grief for a Person with Dementia

Perhaps you’ve heard it said: Having a loved one with dementia is the long goodbye. We lose the person we know long before their body dies. As with all terminal...

Each person is unique so there is no sure formula for when to talk about end of life issues but here are some ideas to consider --- Everyone has the...


Visualize a table in front of an open window. There are stacks of paper on the table, tidy, organized stacks. A slight breeze comes through the window and rustles the...

Our seasonal holidays are here and for those of us who have had loved ones die this year the holidays will be a particularly challenging time. Something to think about:...

What do you do when the hospice patient improves?

Every so often a person comes onto hospice service and their condition improves. When a person’s condition stabilizes hospice takes them off the program until they begin to decline again...

How Do You Help Someone Convert From a Full Code to a No Code?

It will be our time to die. When the doctors have said, “I can’t fix you” it is time to reconsider what medicine can do for us. Medicine can prolong...

Beware of anyone who puts a number on how long someone has to live. There are so many factors that affect the time of our gradual death that the closest...

Question: "I am ready to die, why haven't I?" Answer: There is a process to dying from disease and old age--withdrawal, increased sleep and decreased food and fluid intake. Part...

QUESTION: Explain the different ways members of the same family experience grief. Grief is a lot of emotions rolled into one package. Each person will experience and show these emotions...

Other People Die

In the months before a gradual death we really don’t believe death will happen to us or to those we love. In the days to weeks before gradual death occurs...

QUESTION: “What about the lack of desire to do anything but sleep?” When a person has entered the dying process three things begin to happen: their eating decreases, sleep increases...

From the moment we are born we begin to die. We are born, we experience and then we die. All the space between birth and death is living yet we...

QUESTION: Working in Hospice, I always had a terrible time with ---Do I stay in contact with the family after visitation or not? ANSWER: I think staying in contact with...

I recently received a question from “What would you like me to write about?”. The question was: For 20 years I have been asking for a slightly more technical explanation...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN explains Terminal Restlessness.

Terminal restlessness is a medical term for the restlessness and agitation that often begins one to three weeks before death from disease. The restlessness shows itself by random body movements,...

QUESTION: “How do you help a family go through the dying process?”. Because we don’t have accurate role models on what happens when a person is dying, we generally approach...

QUESTION: Why didn’t you write about the vomiting that occurred18 hours before my husband died? I am sorry your husband had what appears to be an unusual yet not abnormal...

The question, "Will you discuss palliative sedation?" has come up several times so I am putting my response in this section rather than the Comments. Palliative Sedation is a term...

I, Barbara, am not afraid of being dead. I have a belief system that says “When you are dead you are in a better place.” I also think being dead...

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