Death: Gradual or Fast

There are really just two ways to die: fast or gradual.
Fast death occurs quickly by way of an accident, a heart attack, a
stroke or suicide. A person is alive one minute and dead the next.

Gradual death occurs in two ways: old age or disease. Gradual death has
a process to it. That process begins months before death from disease
and years before death from old age with no disease.

The only difference between gradual death from old age and gradual death from
disease is that someone who is old with no disease occurring in their
body will take longer: years instead of months and months instead of

Everyone, whether dying quickly or gradually, will do the
same things in the days to hours before death.

Fast death is unexpected, it just happens.

Gradual death has a process, follows a time line. The time line gives us the ability to finish our business and say our goodbyes.

Gradual death is a gift of opportunity.

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