The following story had been written by one of our Excela Health Hospice nurses, Kim Kistler. I had read it about 2 years ago and always remembered it as such an act of hospice love! I knew as soon as you asked for stories that we should share this – with Kim’s permission - for the understanding of the care of LIFE!
We hope others will see this and be encouraged to be a giver.
Thank You. Joan Roth
Not expected to live 24 hours – Baby Bobby survived 24, then 48 then 72 hours. A decision was made to take Baby Bobby home to die. No one on staff wanted to take care of this severely deformed infant. It would just be too heartbreaking. After some soul searching this childless nurse simply decided someone had to do it and off I went.
Day after day I guided this strong mother in caring for Baby Bobby’s physical needs as well as gave support and guidance to mom and Bobby’s brother and sister.
I remember vividly one scorching hot day when I held a cheesecloth in front of the camera so a photographer could soften Baby Bobby's badly deformed body as he took a family picture. A time for remembrance of a life lived even though it was short.
I still see in my mind the 5 year old sister lovingly holding her brother, who she knew would not be here on earth too long. The little girl was leaning back on her mother’s knees while her 7 year old brother leaned on his mother’s shoulder, such a strong family unit even though it was minus a father and husband.
We felt Baby Bobby had no pain evidenced by his quiet, angel like demeanor. After 16 days Baby Bobby left us. That year I put an angel on the hospital’s Christmas Tree for God’s littlest angel, Bobby.
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