Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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About the BK Team
Using "Baby Talk" With End of Life Patients

As end of life professionals we have to carefully walk a line.  We are in the tenuous position of caring intimately for adult strangers who often do act as children. ...

Hospice Care Is For the Patient AND the Family

Dying is not a medical event. It is a social, communal event. Dying is not a time for procedures or medications. It is time for support, guidance and reassurance FOR...

Using Subtle Tools To Help Process A Life

In the months before death when the patient is still alert, still actively engaging, watch for clues, for openings to help bring the "what has life been about" thoughts forward...

If I Stop Treatment Will I Start Dying?

I think the reason hospice gets their referrals in the weeks before death rather than months is because hospice implies death will come. We look for and hope for a...

It's Here!  BY YOUR SIDE, A Guide For Caring For The Dying At Home

By Your Side offers guidance in the area of making choices: cure, life sustaining, comfort care, making advanced directives, and funeral planning. It details signs of approaching death (what to look...

Discussing End-of-Life Wishes

I often get the question, "How do I start an end of life discussion? How do I get my family to talk about what they want their dying to be...

Supporting a Colleague With A Dying Loved One

This has led me to think about what any of us can do for an acquaintance who has a serious illness or is caring for someone who has a serious...

How Does Hospice Work At Home? article by end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

Hospice works at home for you. It provides support, guidance, and education but even more it provides understanding, concern, and heart felt caring for you, the family, and your support...

We Are Born, We Experience, And Then We Die, an article about the dying process from Barbara Karnes, RN

... if we would educate ourselves before we need the information, before someone we care about is dying, before we are faced with a life threatening illness, or before someone we...

FOUR “NAUGHTIES” FOR END OF LIFE article by End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

Keeping Secrets: “Don’t tell mom.” Don’t say that she could die.” Don’t talk to her about “sad” things.” “Pretend everything is going to be alright.”  Mom lives inside of her body....

Hospice Innovator Barbara Karnes, RN explains the 3 Signs of Approaching Death from Disease or Old Age

 Know that all of these signs of approaching death, whether indicating months or weeks, are just guideposts. Some people will show all of them...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN writes about caring for a patient with ALS as they approach end of life

Our children are not supposed to die before we do. I cannot think of any grief more intense than watching our child deteriorate before our eyes. We grieve their dying...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who are unable to be with their loved one at the time of death.

Our job as an end of life specialist is to address the elephant in the room, to be direct and honest in the gentlest way possible. We are not doing...

During this pandemic, Award Winning Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to her gratitude for the front line workers keeping our country from falling apart in her article, Can We Ever Thank You Enough, Front Line Workers?

Our frontline workers: nurses, nursing assistants, doctors, hospital employees, first responders, housekeeping, grocery, delivery, and transportation personnel, all people who are out front while most of us shelter in place,...

Did the AIDS Epidemic Set Us Up To Handle COVID-19? by Barbara Karnes, RN

There are many of the same circumstances with today’s coronavirus as we faced with  HIV/AIDS in the early years— lack of medical knowledge, lack of guidance, and fear. I think...

We've Just Begun Social Distancing~ Here Are My Thoughts by Barbara Karnes, RN

Isolation from others is teaching me this about my self ——- I do a lot for others, for their thoughts of me, why else do I wear makeup? Get dressed?...

MOM IS DYING and There's So Much Blame by Barbara Karnes, RN

I'm sorry to say when a family member is dying it can bring us together and be our finest hour as a family or it can bring out the worse...

How Does "Fear of Life" Affect Dying? by Barbara Karne, RN

Yes, love of life and fear of death are a part of our personality expression as is our fear of life. In Gone From My Sight I was making a point of...

HOSPICE DEATH CALL~ How To Comfort A Family You've Never Met by Barbara Karnes RN

We do this all the time. We enter tense situations where people are frightened and unsure, with people who have never seen us before. This is what we do: We create...

What Comes Next? Dementia at End of Life is an article written by Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN.  She talks about the progression of dementia and ideas for caregivers.

Dementia is like a road map with many, many roads that eventually lead into a city. Each road is different, each road is of varying lengths and offers various views...

International Woman of the Year 2015, Barbara Karnes, RN gives you the questions you need to ask when choosing a hospice for a loved one, or yourself.  MOM NEEDS HOSPICE? Here Are Your Questions To Choose the Right One...

There have been many changes in hospice care since it began. Some for the better, some not so much. What I am suggesting as representing a “good” hospice is becoming...

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