Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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Taking Charge With AnAdvanced Directive by Barbara Karnes RN

We must talk about end of life issues NOW while we are healthy, and our thoughts are not clouded with fear. Right now when emotions don’t affect our thinking. When we can...

OXYGEN AT END OF LIFE - Who Does It Comfort? By Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes, RN

For us it is very difficult to see our loved one struggling. Most of us are at the bedside of someone who is dying because we are emotionally involved. We...

Hospice Nurse Barbara Karnes, RN explains the process of dying from VSED, Voluntary Stopping Eating & Drinking.

What do I personally think? If we want to die, VSED is a way of having total control. It is not illegal. It doesn’t involve others (which is illegal). It...

Distancing From The Dying article by end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

...There is no perfect relationship. There are good times and difficult times. Sometimes the difficulty we have with the person that is dying keeps us from being at the bedside....

Faith and the Dying Process By Barbara Karnes, RN

 If we did not relate to praying in living then we will not necessarily relate now. We die the way we have lived. We don’t change who we are just...

 A "Chemical Straight Jacket" and Dementia at End of Life

I do not think there is a need for narcotics just because death is approaching. Dying is not painful. Disease causes pain...

Laboring To Leave ~ Difficult Breathing at End of Life by Barbara Karnes, RN

The congestion that occurs before death will depend upon how hydrated ordehydrated a person is. The more fluids in their body, the more congestion.Sometimes changing their position (laying them on...

Worker Bees, Watchers & Talkers~ Which Kind of Caregivers Are You? by Barbara Karnes, RN

Sometimes when we think that others think we are not doing enough, it may actually be us thinking that the others are not doing enough. When the worker bee caregiver...

Tears on the Job by Barbara Karnes RN

Death for those who work in end of life is not failureor the enemy. It is the ending of the work we do. Our satisfaction in thedeath of a patient...

16 Days Without Food or Water- How Long Can She Survive?

If she has had no water of any kind for 16 days I would expect her to die at anytime--maybe before I write this.

Does Morphine = Euthanasia in the Dying? Barbara Karnes, RN

A great question. You have actually touched on a line of thinking that a lot of people have about the use of narcotics at end of life: that the narcotic...

Dangers of Morphine for the Dying

Dear Barbara, Talk about the dangers of giving morphine to one who is dying? I have written many articles on morphine yet I repeatedly get this question. What that tells...

Death As The Enemy: Barbara Karnes, RN

I was just on the phone with a woman who told me the doctor told her friend he was surprised she had lived this long with the disease having spread...

"If They Would Just Eat, Everything Would Be Better" Barbara Karnes, RN

Dear Barbara, what are the physical changes in appearance during the dying process? Also talk about not forcing food upon the dying. The physical changes in appearance during the dying...

Pneumonia, The Old Man's Friend: Barbara Karnes, RN

Now, all this said, there are thin lines and points to debate, in what istreatment to get better and treatment for comfort. Is pneumonia related to alife threatening illness or...

Abstain From Doing Harm: Barbara Karnes, RN

Where is medicine that treats PEOPLE that have diseases? Where is medicine that looks at the PERSON and finds out how they want to live and die based upon their...

Does "No Code" mean "No Care"? Barbara Karnes, RN

First, lets define “No Code”. The simplest explanation I found was Googled from the Free Dictionary“a note written in the patient record and signed by a qualified, usually senior or...

Unnecessary Suffering and Indignity at End of Life

We have the medical capabilities and procedures to keep a person alivealmost indefinitely BUT is it in the best interest of the person to do so? Wehave to ask “what...

What to Ask When Looking for a Quality Hospice: Barbara Karnes, RN

Because we don’t really think about end of life care until we or someone close to us needs it we enter into relationships with hospice that may not be satisfactory...

Have We Lost the Essence of Hospice? By end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

...The end of life avocation that hospice originally presented is becoming a gift of the past. Now it is a business with high censuses, detailed and often confusing regulations, and...

Hospice- The Initial Visit: Barbara Karnes, RN

Dear Barbara, I recently had a meeting with a family that was referred to hospice from a facility. They had about 10 family members at the meeting. The topic of...

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