Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
How Long Should It Take for Hospice Services To Begin After a Referral?

By the time the family has mustered the courage to call, they are usually at their wit's end. They probably have needed services weeks...

“It is through the eyes of fear that we react to the unknown of how life ends…”

Knowledge is important for the person dying because they are processing their life on many levels. It is important for the watchers because it is our final opportunity to connect,...

Should we look for a hospice house?

Today most hospices have some sort of a hospice house arrangement. It may be in a designated portion of a nursing facility or in a free standing building of its...

What if everyday was  “I Love You Day?”

Working with end of life all these years has shown me how special each day is. It has also shown me the value and the gift of living, doing, and...

“That weekend was the birth of Gone From My Sight”

That weekend I sat  on my sofa with a yellow legal pad (before computers) and wrote what I wanted families and caregivers to know about the natural dying process. I...

Traveling The Road of Grief

I want to share with you some of the suggestions you have shared with me. Ideas for filling a huge space left empty by the death of someone who made...

 I am now reaching out to you, fellow grievers…

Widows and widowers who are living alone, I have a question to ask you. What do you do with your days? 

"My Mom with Alzheimer's sleeps so much..."

It is hard for caregivers to know how to care for a person with dementia. The behaviors are so varied that there is no single correct way to handle a...

Did Morphine Exacerbate Her Condition?

 90% of end of life care is education. People don’t die like they do in the movies, yet movies are our current role models. This leads to unrealistic expectations...

A fresh start & a new beginning...

How about an end of the year review? Let's take some time to remember and think through our struggles, our misadventures, and assess our strengths...

“Some are happily planning holiday delights...”

Other people seem cheerful, happily planning holiday delights, and we, the grievers or caregivers, are reminded of what we don’t have, of what we’ve lost or are losing...

Do Families Want Hospice Present During The Death?

We need to explain the way most people die — especially the not so pretty parts. This includes the sounds, movements, pees, poops, frowns, grimaces, and the struggles that accompany...

Hoping For A Miracle

What many, maybe even most, people do is trade that moment for a gamble on the future. We do this gambling with a lot of life occurrences. But we place...

This is how we leave our body, how we leave this world…

When we see our special person struggling, we, the watchers, think something pathological is happening or we think the professionals are not doing enough to provide proper care...

When people don’t die like they do in the movies, we think something bad is happening…

We used to have role models on what dying really looks like. People died at home, in their own bed. Family and friends gathered — held a vigil, so to speak. When...

 Acknowledging My Grief and Gratitude

Thanksgiving! A day of gratitude for a year of blessings. For many it is a challenge to find blessings in this chaotic world. For those living with a life-threatening illness, caring for...

Hospice Is No Longer the Outsider

Hospice began as an ideal, a step outside of the medical model. It was generally operated by volunteers and it was financed and maintained by community fundraising and donations...

Humanity In Caring For The Alzheimer's Patient

Of course each situation needs to be individually addressed but in the case of a lot of people with dementia, tell them about a death of someone close ONCE...

What I Would Look For In a End of Life Doula Training Course

There are many different approaches and offerings. These multiple choices give you the chance to match your personality with the instructors and teaching methodology...

Slipping Into the Shoes of a  Hospice Patient

How does a person feel as a hospice patient?  Everyone is waiting on them, they are unable to do things for themselves. They have to wear diapers and probably don't want...

When Families Resist Calling In Hospice

Part of "selling" hospice is to create trust and a bond during that first meeting. It takes people skills in addition to knowledge of hospice benefits...

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