Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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DYING Young or Old, The Signs Are The Same by Barbara Karnes, RN

There are other signs of approaching death that indicate a person with a disease (at any age) has weeks to live...

Nursing Home Blues, Part 2 by Barbara Karnes, RN

...Fortunately, I suppose, my mother is now bed-bound and we were able toget Hospice to help out, so she now fits the bill for a 'model patient'... but itstill seems...

The Nursing Home Blues by Barbara Karnes, RN

As we get older, life presents us with different challenges. We adapt to them in the same way we have lived our life and dealt with all the challenges in...

Grief During the Last Stages of His Life

From the moment of a diagnosis of a life threatening illness we begin grieving. We grieve not just the eventual losses that come with serious illness but the approaching death...

Telling A Loved One They're Dying by Barbara Karnes, RN

...not telling a person they can’t be fixed is taking away their opportunity to do and say that which is important to them. It is taking away their ability to...

Taking Charge With AnAdvanced Directive by Barbara Karnes RN

We must talk about end of life issues NOW while we are healthy, and our thoughts are not clouded with fear. Right now when emotions don’t affect our thinking. When we can...

If I Can't Speak For Myself... Wishes for End of Life

Have a conversation with those people that are closest to you about your ideas of “the perfect death”. “If I can’t speak for myself, here is what I want you...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who are living with cancer that can't be fixed. The dying may not want to talk about death.

We often think because a person is facing the end of their life we have to do whatever they want us to, regardless of how it affects us. We treat...

Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the question, "Do people really die of a broken heart?"

I know “dying of a broken heart” is used frequently when death comes as a result of a tragic life event. I’m not sure that is actually why the person...

American Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN writes ideas for best practices for new hospice nurses as they care for the dying.

If you teach your families well about the approaching end of life there will be no problems with them understanding the labor of dying. Having someone you care about dying is...

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