Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

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Have We Lost the Essence of Hospice? By end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

...The end of life avocation that hospice originally presented is becoming a gift of the past. Now it is a business with high censuses, detailed and often confusing regulations, and...

Hospice- The Initial Visit: Barbara Karnes, RN

Dear Barbara, I recently had a meeting with a family that was referred to hospice from a facility. They had about 10 family members at the meeting. The topic of...

Caring for Mom at Home by Barbara Karnes, RN

I appreciate how much you love your mother. I see the challenge you are dealing with in her attitude and behavior. As much as we love someone our feelings can...

Be The Voice: Barbara Karnes, RN

QUESTION to Barbara: I need some help. As of yesterday afternoon I am officially fed up. I have been an RN case manager for seven years. The whole “industry” is...

When To Use The Books: Barbara Karnes, RN

Barbara, People have asked me when and how I can offer others your booklets. With anyone, an acquaintance or close friend, you can always just say, “I have some materials...

Signs of Approaching Death with Dementia: Barbara Karnes, RN

The process of a gradual death from disease takes two to four months (old age with no disease takes longer). Three things are the sign posts that say the dying...

The Highs and Lows of COPD

COPD is a very challenging disease. A patient can look and feel like they are dying right now and still feel that way 10 years later. Because of this it...

Unstoppable Terminal Delirium In The Dying by Barbara Karnes, RN

In non medical words I would call terminal delirium confusion with or without restlessness. In the weeks before death a person who has entered the dying process is sleeping most...

Dying Awareness: Barbara Karnes, RN

Question: How much is comprehended by the patient as they approach end of life? Do they know who is present, if someone is absent? How does the patient feel knowing...

The Final Hours Before Death: Barbara Karnes, RN

When someone is dying a gradual death from disease and is hours tominutes from death they don't need a doctor, nurse, social worker, or evena chaplain. They need someone who...

Forcing Fluids At End Of Life: Barbara Karnes, RN

As death comes closer we tend to see that families have a hard time with the fact that the patient does NOT want to eat or drink. Not wanting to...

Don't Go Where You're Not Invited: Barbara Karnes, RN

Over the years people have told me stories of a friend or neighbor who was dealing with end of life issues. They then have asked that I call that person...

When Doctors Can't Fix My Ailing Body, I Want to Close My Eyes And...

We have all sorts of fears around dying and death so we keep thoughts of end of life at bay. We are like ostriches who bury their heads in the...

The Amazing Grace of Mary Nell: Barbara Karnes, RN

Mary Nell’s son in law, Ted, sent me this writing. It is so poignant I asked him if I could share it with my blog readers. It is longer than...

Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the question, "Do people really die of a broken heart?"

I know “dying of a broken heart” is used frequently when death comes as a result of a tragic life event. I’m not sure that is actually why the person...

Caring For One of Our Own article by Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes, RN

My husband tells the story of me asking our hospice nurse how long she thought my mother had to live (a question all families ask). My husband knew that I...

Making Decisions: Barbara Karnes, RN

QUESTION: If a family member suffers a stroke what is the right decision about whether to use a feeding tube? I think it depends on what a person’s mind and...

Letting Go... Barbara Karnes, RN

QUESTION: What to do if the Doctor suggests stopping life support? RESPONSE: No one wants to be in the position of determining when a person dies, not doctors, not family....

Three Keys: Barbara Karnes, RN

We can die gradually two ways. We just get old and our body wears out or we get a life threatening illness, disease, and die gradually that way....

Alzheimer's, Dementia Patients and Hospice: Barbara Karnes, RN

QUESTION: Please speak to Hospice Approval Denied due to only major diagnosis code being Alzheimer's and not considered to be in final stage. But person not eating, ~70 lbs now,...

Is a Peaceful Unmedicated Death Possible? Barbara Karnes, RN

QUESTION: I am a 30 year old woman working as a psychology intern at a local hospital. My engagement in the hospice program has me thinking a lot about my...

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