Something to Think About
a blog on end of life
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- How Do I Know You? Dementia at the End of Life
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- The Final Act of Living
- This Is How People Die
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- You Need Care Too
We start off alone, then we have Mom and Dad, then family, friends, then the world of school, activities,and involvement in the bigger world around us. When we are leaving, we...
Anger in caregiving generally comes from a place of frustration, of fear, of sadness, of tiredness. All sorts of feelings with no outlet so they come bursting out.
Most of the time this restlessness, this agitation is not destructive. It is not severe. If the movements become thrashing about or hurtful and become a danger to the person...
As for the “signs of what is to come” for someone who is young and dying, those signs are also the same for everyone, young and old. People dying from...
Hospice provides care and services for people in the last six months of their life. A doctor must specify, in his/her best opinion, that this person has less than six...
We human beings are complicated creatures. We approach death in the way we have approached living and according to our personality. Our belief systems are part of that living. Sometimes...
Filling out an Advance Directive when you are healthy is different than filling one out when you are elderly or living with a serious illness...
Our base nature comes out when we are in pain, other worldly, and on high doses of all kinds of medications. We are unconsciously expressing the terrible situation we were...
Number one, we are all going to die at some point. Of course the operative words here are “at some point.” If we are told death will be the outcome...
Hospice is widely known for providing end of life care. It has grown in size and in its original scope of services. Even its definition of “end of life care”...
All the work we do leads up to the moment of death. Our goal is to guide and support those present through the moment the last breath occurs.
It is our job, our responsibility as end of life workers to be honest with our patients. In a “don’t tell mom” situation I first assess where everyone is, who...
How tragic that none can come forward and say, "Your father is dying. Let's stop all these extras and keep him comfortable”. Family as well as many individual physicians do...
We cannot put a number on how long someone has to live. There are so many factors that affect the time of our gradual death that the closest anyone can...
When life has run its course (however many years it is) our body begins to "wind down" much like it “wound up” in the beginning...
From what you have told me I believe your mother's death was no one's fault, certainly not yours. Her body, after all the years of illness, couldn't continue and she...
I also thought as we get older that question tends to come out of hiding more easily. The older we are the more the question lies in the back of...
In the months before death when the patient is still alert, still actively engaging, watch for clues, for openings to help bring the "what has life been about" thoughts forward...
I think the reason hospice gets their referrals in the weeks before death rather than months is because hospice implies death will come. We look for and hope for a...
Since at this time there are no “standards of practice” or even standards for the content given in end of life training, think about what you are looking to provide....
When the medical establishment has used all of their options to extend life of course we will not be happy with life and living. We may be depressed, angry, often...