Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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About the BK Team

Death is not accidental. We die when it is our time to die, no sooner, no later. Everything happens for a reason. We most often just don't understand the reason....

I received the question, “What happens when we die and do I believe in reincarnation? I’m going to interpret the question to be asking what happens at the moment of...

The Death Rattle (medically known as Terminal Secretions) by Barbara Karnes, RN

The death rattle is not always present. Those people that have more fluid or are more hydrated as they approach death, are the ones most likely to experience this natural...

When do we talk about end of life issues with others? Right now, while we are healthy and our thoughts are not clouded with fear. Right now, we can make...

Each person is unique so there is no sure formula for when to talk about end of life issues but here are some ideas to consider --- Everyone has the...

How Do You Help Someone Convert From a Full Code to a No Code?

It will be our time to die. When the doctors have said, “I can’t fix you” it is time to reconsider what medicine can do for us. Medicine can prolong...

Other People Die

In the months before a gradual death we really don’t believe death will happen to us or to those we love. In the days to weeks before gradual death occurs...

The question, "Will you discuss palliative sedation?" has come up several times so I am putting my response in this section rather than the Comments. Palliative Sedation is a term...

I, Barbara, am not afraid of being dead. I have a belief system that says “When you are dead you are in a better place.” I also think being dead...

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