Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
Respect! When Caring for the Elderly

Treating people with a cold professionalism vs. treating them as children is either end of a spectrum of respect for a patient’s personhood. Cold professionalism can be as dehumanizing as...

Dementia and the Toll it Takes on Caregivers

The bottom line is that no one can possibly imagine the ongoing challenges of living with and caring for a person with dementia until they find themselves caring for a...

My Unresolved Grief

Unresolved grief is not having figured out how to go on living after the death of a loved one. There are a lot of reasons why this happens. Here are...

What do you do when the hospice patient improves?

Every so often a person comes onto hospice service and their condition improves. When a person’s condition stabilizes hospice takes them off the program until they begin to decline again...

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