Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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DYING SCARED article by End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

I get a lot of letters like the one I’ve edited below. We, as a culture, are so unprepared for witnessing a death. We have no accurate role models. We...

Hospice Innovator Barbara Karnes, RN explains the 3 Signs of Approaching Death from Disease or Old Age

 Know that all of these signs of approaching death, whether indicating months or weeks, are just guideposts. Some people will show all of them...

In A Time Of Overwhelming Loss article by End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN about grief and bereavement

When someone we know or are close to dies we expect to grieve. We recognize our sadness but often we don’t recognize our impulsiveness to clean the house, or our...

End of Life author, Barbara Karnes, RN explains what happens during a death rally

We believe from all signs that death is rapidly approaching. Then one morning they seem to actually wake up. They are less confused,  they want to eat, or get up....

End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN explains the use of narcotics in hospice care.

There are so many reasons your father could have been receiving medicine by a “needle”. I am not fond of IV or giving medication by a “needle” as end of...

End of Life Educator, Barbara Karnes, RN author of GONE FROM MY SIGHT, The Dying Experience, writes about possible changes in personality during the dying process

First, what is meant by “dying person”? In the months before death most people really don’t believe they are dying. “Other people die, not me. There will be a cure,...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN explains why the dying make faces that look frightening in the time just before death.

There is a labor to dying. It is hard work for us to get out of our body (some harder than others). Think of the little chick that works, struggles...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN writes about caring for a patient with ALS as they approach end of life

Our children are not supposed to die before we do. I cannot think of any grief more intense than watching our child deteriorate before our eyes. We grieve their dying...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who have had a loved one die in a violent way in her new blog, How To Grieve a Violent Death.

Sudden death by accident, suicide and certainly by violence intensifies those normal grief responses. Everything we feel with normal grief is as if we are being held under a magnifying...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who are unable to be with their loved one at the time of death.

Our job as an end of life specialist is to address the elephant in the room, to be direct and honest in the gentlest way possible. We are not doing...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to those who are unable to be with their loved one at the time of death.

People are dying and in a manner we are not used to. We, in America, have become accustomed to having our loved one either at home with family close, or...

Award winning End of Life Educator, Barbara Karnes, RN writes about how necessary grief support is right now in her article, Bereavement Support Is Important At ANy Time, Now, It is Vital

Hospice Bereavement support, as well as any bereavement support program (church, Community Support, Senior Activity Program) is important during the best of times. Now it is vital.  Here are my recommendations;...

What Does Death Look Like? By Barbara Karnes, RN author of Gone From My Sight

We bring our fears, our childhood experiences with death, our culture, our belief systems, and our stereotypes to the bedside of the dying and the dead. Generally, none of that...

How To Help Families Care For Their Dying Loved One During Social Distancing by Barbara Karnes, RN

Hospices seem to be struggling with how to provide services now that being in homes and facilities is not an option. When we cannot rely on routines, when there is...

During this pandemic, Award Winning Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to her gratitude for the front line workers keeping our country from falling apart in her article, Can We Ever Thank You Enough, Front Line Workers?

Our frontline workers: nurses, nursing assistants, doctors, hospital employees, first responders, housekeeping, grocery, delivery, and transportation personnel, all people who are out front while most of us shelter in place,...

American Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN writes about self-care for those on the front lines of the Covid19 pandemic

During this time of crisis work it is hard to remember to take care of yourself. There doesn’t seem time for that but if you don’t at least try to...

In This Time of Fear, Dying 101 by Barbara Karnes, RN

People don’t die like they do in the movies—alive one minute, saying something profound and dead the next. There is a way that the body dies. A way it is...

Taking Some of the Fear Out of Dying Alone by end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

I see families devastated by not being able to be with their loved one as they are dying. I am writing this for any person who is faced with a...

During Self Isolation, I Needed A Daily Routine. Do You? by Barbara Karnes, RN

I am now writing this. Here is what I am thinking: The way I have lived my life up to now will probably be changed forever. How long physical distancing...

Did the AIDS Epidemic Set Us Up To Handle COVID-19? by Barbara Karnes, RN

There are many of the same circumstances with today’s coronavirus as we faced with  HIV/AIDS in the early years— lack of medical knowledge, lack of guidance, and fear. I think...

Be Aware of the Risk We Present to Those We Are Hired to Care For by Barbara Karnes, RN

Touch in with the families, “What’s happening? Do you need anything?” Use the same volunteer for each family to develop confidence and bonding. You are saving your staff while providing a sense...

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