Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
What Does the Future Hold for Mom With ALS?

Is life worth living with all this assistance? For some it will be, for others is won’t...

Grief And The Holidays

GRIEF AND THE HOLIDAYS I posted this blog article last year about this time and am reposting it for this year’s holidays. In our grief any holiday celebration tends to...

Personality Changes As We Approach Death

People with unpleasant personalities while living will still have unpleasant personalities while dying. It is just that the closer to death they get, the less energy they will have to...

NHPCO Hospice Innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN explains Terminal Restlessness.

Terminal restlessness is a medical term for the restlessness and agitation that often begins one to three weeks before death from disease. The restlessness shows itself by random body movements,...

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