Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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Telling A Loved One They're Dying by Barbara Karnes, RN

...not telling a person they can’t be fixed is taking away their opportunity to do and say that which is important to them. It is taking away their ability to...

Be Gentle With Yourself- Grief and Guilt article by Barbara Karnes, RN

What do I mean by being "gentle" with yourself? I mean forgive yourself forall the things you feel guilty about. Remember we always do the best wecan with the information...

I Don't Want Dad To Die On My Birthday by Barbara Karnes, RN

Dad was in his 11th hour and it happened to be my birthday. I was mixed on how I would feel if it happened on that day. In talking with...

Deathbed Promises by Barbara Karnes, RN

We need to look at the promises made, evaluate them as to: can it be done, should it be done, and am I willing to do it? 

Hospice Middle Management & Oreo Cookies by Barbara Karnes, RN

Many years ago I attended a workshop at The Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. The topic was about when a clinician enters the administration work field. I don’t remember much...

Taking Charge With AnAdvanced Directive by Barbara Karnes RN

We must talk about end of life issues NOW while we are healthy, and our thoughts are not clouded with fear. Right now when emotions don’t affect our thinking. When we can...

How to Become a Death Doula by Barbara Karnes, RN

 Examine why you want to be a Death Midwife. What is bringing you to this area? If it is because you want to share your religious beliefs with others then...

The Highs and Lows of COPD

COPD is a very challenging disease. A patient can look and feel like they are dying right now and still feel that way 10 years later. Because of this it...

For Those With Heavy Feelings of Loss

How to let go and stop feeling guilty? At first you probably aren't even aware of your feelings. When someone close to us dies, even if we are told it...

Caring for the Alzheimer's Patient

Living with someone who has dementia is a daily challenge. It requires the constant reminder that this person is not who they once were. It presents the challenge of learning...

Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the question, "Do people really die of a broken heart?"

I know “dying of a broken heart” is used frequently when death comes as a result of a tragic life event. I’m not sure that is actually why the person...

What Does the Future Hold for Mom With ALS?

Is life worth living with all this assistance? For some it will be, for others is won’t...

Respect! When Caring for the Elderly

Treating people with a cold professionalism vs. treating them as children is either end of a spectrum of respect for a patient’s personhood. Cold professionalism can be as dehumanizing as...

Let's Talk Poop-- Bowel Movements and End of Life Care

Being active helps us poop therefore the less active we are, and people approaching the end of their life through disease or old age gradually have less and less energy...

Dementia and the Toll it Takes on Caregivers

The bottom line is that no one can possibly imagine the ongoing challenges of living with and caring for a person with dementia until they find themselves caring for a...

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