Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation Talk with Barbara Karnes, RN

In this talk for the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN demystifies the dying process and how to best care for those who have been given...

BK Books with Barbara Karnes: Why Approaching Hospice Holistically is Necessary to the Success of the Care Continuum

During this podcast, Barbara Karnes, will break down why it’s important to include hospice holistically across the continuum and the role it can play in home care, home health, and...

Redefining Aging Podcast

We're all getting older, and as we age, we want to pursue vibrant, healthy lifestyles. So what does that look like? How do we navigate the financial, medical, social, and...

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast

Most people run away from the topics of death and dying but Registered Nurse and family caregiver Barbara Karnes runs toward it. She’s a quoted expert in many national media...

The Heart of Hospice -  Tips for Navigating Hospice Care at Home with Barbara Karnes, RN

Family often is not present when a death happens.  A good death can happen at home; however, with family present.  Hospice support can be an important part of that care.

Why I Became an Expert Contributor for Help Texts

Aside from having a great conversation with two special women we talked about how Help Text came to be, why I joined the team and how it helps support grievers and caregivers.

End of Life University Podcast, "People Don't Die Like They Do In The Movies"

In this episode I welcome back my recurring guest Barbara Karnes who is a hospice nurse, international speaker, and author of the books Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience and By Your Side: A...

Aging, Angst & Alleluias Podcast

Today's conversation with Barbara Karnes is to announce her new book, "By Your Side," (A Guide for Caring for the Dying at Home) and the discussion of how vital End of Life...

Best Life, Best Death Podcast, guest Barbara Karnes, RN

This podcast is all about the role of being a caregiver: what situations put us in this role, who is finding themselves doing the bulk of caregiving, why does caregiving...

THE POWER OF LOVE SHOW with TJ and Taj Jackson

On this episode of The Power of Love Show with TJ & Taj Jackson we welcome special guest, Barbara Karnes, RN. If it has to do with death and dying,...

Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation Community Outreach Talk

Hosted by Susan Barber, this discussion covers care for the dying, hospice care and end of life doulas.

Creating a Sacred Space at the Moment of Death with Barbara Karnes, RN

My favorite guest Barbara Karnes, RN is back for another episode where we talk about issues in hospice care. Barbara is an internationally recognized speaker and expert on end-of-life care. She is...

Netsmart  CARETHREADS Podcast on Staff Retention

Today, Amy talks to Barbara about how to train and retain our hospice staff. 

The Sim Cafe Interview with Barbara Karnes

Can you share with me a little bit more about the doula role and where you can learn more about it and find out if you have any in your...

EOL University Podcast with hospice innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN

Learn about the basics of hospice care, when to consider it, how to talk about it with others, and what to expect during the dying process.  Listen here.

Best Life Best Death, Part 2 "Sticky Questions"

Barbara Karnes, RN and I move into talking about some harder questions that come up in the end-of-life arena, including: When someone is reluctant to have a conversation about the...

Best Life Best Death Podcast, Part 1

How can we better understand the process of gradual death, and how can we benefit from “the gift of time” that is a gradual death? How can “gentle education” help...

Aging, Angst & Alleluias Podcast

Barbara says dementia at end of life and how the the disease "doesn't play by the rules" when it comes to the dying process.  Decreased eating and drinking, pain medications, and...

The Death Dialogues Project Podcast interview with Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN

This conversation holds so many jewels that are beneficial for all of us to hear. From what death asks of us to how to be there for ourselves and family...

When You Die Podcast with hospice nurse Barbara Karnes, RN

 If it has to do with death and dying, we’re talking about it. With me today is the wonderful multi-award winner Barbara Karnes, a nurse, author and extraordinary end-of-life educator....

The Heart of Hospice Podcast

Barbara Karnes, author of the iconic hospice guide “the little blue book” Gone from My Sight, talks with Jerry and Helen about ritual, self care wisdom, and thriving as end...

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