Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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About the BK Team
The EKR Foundation 's Community Outreach Program - The Grief You Don't Know Until You Do"

As a new widow, Barbara has had many new insights into the grief journey. Her decades of expertise in her work in end of life has been focused on approaching death.

Barbara Karnes On What She’s Learned In The ‘School Of Grief’

...Karnes experienced her own loss in September of 2023 with the death of her husband of 63 years, Jack Karnes, who was 89. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer...

Autumn Is Here Show for Caregivers

Today we speak with Barbara Karnes a Registered Nurse who is an End of Life Educator. She helps families deal with the reality of what happens when someone is going...

EOL University Grief and Bereavement on the Hospice Journey with Barbara Karnes RN

Learn about grief from the perspective of two hospice providers on their personal experiences of loss.

The Dishing Doulas Podcast

Barbara Karnes, RN, is an internationally respected speaker, educator, author, and thought leader on matters of end of life. So we might think she would have known exactly what to expect...

A Peaceful Exit Podcast

In this episode, Sarah and Barbara talk about how Barbara became a hospice nurse, how she came to write Gone From My Sight, The Dying Process, and what hospice looked like...

Why I Became an Expert Contributor for Help Texts

Aside from having a great conversation with two special women we talked about how Help Text came to be, why I joined the team and how it helps support grievers and caregivers.

End of Life University Podcast, "People Don't Die Like They Do In The Movies"

In this episode I welcome back my recurring guest Barbara Karnes who is a hospice nurse, international speaker, and author of the books Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience and By Your Side: A...

THE POWER OF LOVE SHOW with TJ and Taj Jackson

On this episode of The Power of Love Show with TJ & Taj Jackson we welcome special guest, Barbara Karnes, RN. If it has to do with death and dying,...

Best Life Best Death, Part 2 "Sticky Questions"

Barbara Karnes, RN and I move into talking about some harder questions that come up in the end-of-life arena, including: When someone is reluctant to have a conversation about the...

Best Life Best Death Podcast, Part 1

How can we better understand the process of gradual death, and how can we benefit from “the gift of time” that is a gradual death? How can “gentle education” help...

Aging, Angst & Alleluias Podcast

Barbara says dementia at end of life and how the the disease "doesn't play by the rules" when it comes to the dying process.  Decreased eating and drinking, pain medications, and...

Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes, RN featured in USA Today

In her book, “The Final Act of Living: Reflections of a Long-Time Hospice Nurse,” Karnes discusses advance directives and other topics that we should address before our final act of living. 

The Death Dialogues Project Podcast interview with Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN

This conversation holds so many jewels that are beneficial for all of us to hear. From what death asks of us to how to be there for ourselves and family...

When You Die Podcast with hospice nurse Barbara Karnes, RN

 If it has to do with death and dying, we’re talking about it. With me today is the wonderful multi-award winner Barbara Karnes, a nurse, author and extraordinary end-of-life educator....

Fading Memories Podcast on Dememtia interviews Barbara Karnes, RN

People with dementia are at risk of receiving inadequate care because they cannot say what they want. Maintaining your verbal and non-verbal communication is essential. Be aware of their eating...

Barbara Karnes, R.N., End Of Life Specialist and Author, Takes Questions From Listeners, FaceBook and Other Platforms

Barbara Karnes, R.N., end-of-life specialist and author, takes questions from listeners, Facebook, and other platforms and provides answers in a way each of us can understand.

End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN guests on the Radio Show The Healing Power of Grief

Barbara Karnes, R.N., end-of-life specialist and author, takes questions from listeners, Facebook, and other platforms and provides answers in a way each of us can understand.

Grief At The End of Life With Author and Specialist, Barbara Karnes, RN

"In our death ignoring society, COVID has put death right in front of our faces.  In modern time we haven't had to face this avalanche of dying..." Barbara Karnes, RN...

End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the idea of hydration with the dying...

End of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the idea of hydration and dehydration with the dying...

The Globe: by April Knutson / Forum News Service Simply dying: End-of-life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN offers comforting advice

"How long?" Karnes says. "That is the most common question that (hospice workers) get from the family. What most don't understand is that there are dynamics to dying."

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