Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation Talk with Barbara Karnes, RN

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation Talk

In this talk for the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN demystifies the dying process and how to best care for those who have been given a terminal diagnosis.

In this talk for the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN demystifies the dying process and how to best care for those who have been given a terminal diagnosis.  

Barbara Karnes, RN Award Winning End of Life Educator, Award Winning Nurse, NHPCO Hospice Innovator Award Winner 2018 & 2015 International Humanitarian Woman of the Year

While at the bedside of hundreds of people during the dying process, Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes noticed that each death was following a near identical script. Each person was going through the stages of death in almost the same manner and most families came to her with similar questions. These realizations led Barbara to sit down and write Gone From My Sight, "The Little Blue Book" that changed the hospice industry.

Gone From My Sight is the original, and remains the most widely used, patient/family educational booklet on the signs of approaching death. It has been in print continuously since 1985 and has sold over 35 million copies world wide. With its publication and distribution, Barbara created one of the most important tools in the end of life movement today.

Resources discussed in this talk:

The End of Life Guideline Series

BY YOUR SIDE, A Guide for Caring for the Dying at Home

NEW RULES for End of Life Care DVD Kit: A Guide on the Stages of Death

The Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization inspired by the life of psychiatrist, humanitarian and hospice pioneer, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Though Elisabeth is often described as the “death and dying lady” or the “creator of the Five Stages of Grief®” she often referred to herself as the “life and living lady”. It is in the spirit of embracing all of life, which includes death, that we further the mission and vision of Elisabeth through the work of the Foundation that bears her name.

More information at: www.EKRFoundation.org

1 comment

Marie Williams

Did I uderstand you to say we die the way we lived?

What does that mean?
BK Books replied:
Hi Marie, yes, that is what I said. If our approach to living has been cautious, or outgoing, or introverted, or risk taking, or controlling ( to name a few ways we have lived our life) those same characteristics remain until our last breath—-often becoming more pronounced. If I have lived a very scattered life so will be my approach to dying. The opposite is true , if I have been very “in charge” I will organize my dying and be “in charge” of that also. Hope this helps. Read my book The Final Act of Living for more details. Blessings! Barbara

Did I uderstand you to say we die the way we lived?

What does that mean?
BK Books replied:
Hi Marie, yes, that is what I said. If our approach to living has been cautious, or outgoing, or introverted, or risk taking, or controlling ( to name a few ways we have lived our life) those same characteristics remain until our last breath—-often becoming more pronounced. If I have lived a very scattered life so will be my approach to dying. The opposite is true , if I have been very “in charge” I will organize my dying and be “in charge” of that also. Hope this helps. Read my book The Final Act of Living for more details. Blessings! Barbara

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