Something to Think About
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Barbara discusses why death is a communal, emotional event, not just a medical one. She reveals how end-of-life care can be transformed into a sacred, meaningful experience for everyone involved.
Barbara calls her introduction to working with the dying “divine intervention” that occurred because of a random connection with a hospice worker...
In honor of National Hospice and Palliative Care Month - and National Family Caregivers Month - we’re featuring a special 4-part series with special guest Barbara Karnes, Hospice Nurse and...
To start out the episode, Barbara tells us the story of how she first entered hospice as a volunteer even though she was an RN. She shares with us the...
From deaths at home to hospital settings and now a return to a preference for dying at home, education plays a crucial role in shaping societal attitudes. She encourages parents...
Today we discuss how to prepare ourselves and our care partners including how to chose the right hospice, what happens with food and other physical and emotional issues at end...
Learn how to bust through several common myths about hospice care that persist in our society.
Mourning Dove Medical Presents Dr. G at the Heart of Healthcare Mission-Educate & Empower in three parts, helping listeners ‘SEE’ what’s needed to navigate the healthcare system.
Today we discuss the issue of anger, which often arises when people are facing the end of life, whether their own or that of a loved one.
Family often is not present when a death happens. A good death can happen at home; however, with family present. Hospice support can be an important part of that care.
Learn about the basics of hospice care, when to consider it, how to talk about it with others, and what to expect during the dying process. Listen here.
This episode is very special to me because I had the opportunity to interview a woman who brought me so much light when my mother was dying of cancer fourteen...
There is a normal, natural way that people die. When a person begins reducing their food and water intake families can be alarmed. But this is normal. The body no...
Barbara Karnes, R.N., end-of-life specialist and author, takes questions from listeners, Facebook, and other platforms and provides answers in a way each of us can understand.
Barbara Karnes, R.N., end-of-life specialist and author, takes questions from listeners, Facebook, and other platforms and provides answers in a way each of us can understand.
“Caring for someone who is going live is different from caring for someone who is dying, but most people don’t know that,” Karnes says. “We want this person to get...
When someone we care about, or someone we don’t care about, is dying it is scary and challenging to our idea of how life is supposed to be. Other people...
Episode 3 The Heart of Hospice welcomes hospice icon Barbara Karnes back to share her message of encouragement and hope with hospice professionals all over the world. Her warmth and compassion...
If home health is involved in dying -- even when not the result of a clinically-driven decision -- they have to know how to take care of both patient and...