Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
Daughterhood Circle Special Q & A Hospice & End of Life

In this virtual Q&A with award-winning end-of-life educator, Barbara Karnes, nurse, hospice innovator, and humanitarian, answers your questions about hospice!

A Peaceful Exit Podcast

In this episode, Sarah and Barbara talk about how Barbara became a hospice nurse, how she came to write Gone From My Sight, The Dying Process, and what hospice looked like...

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation Talk with Barbara Karnes, RN

In this talk for the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, end of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN demystifies the dying process and how to best care for those who have been given...

Best Life Best Death Podcast, Part 1

How can we better understand the process of gradual death, and how can we benefit from “the gift of time” that is a gradual death? How can “gentle education” help...

"Mom is Dying And She Hasn't Eaten" vlog by Barbara Karnes, RN

There is a normal, natural way that people die. When a person begins reducing their food and water intake families can be alarmed. But this is normal. The body no...

End of Life Expert Barbara Karnes, RN is interviewed on this episode of LET'S TALK DEATH

In this episode, Barbara shares an experience from when she was a 16-year-old nurse’s aide asked to sit with someone dying. Terrified to do so, she was told to let...

THIS IS HOW WE DIE: A Morning With A Hospice Nurse, End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN

“No one dies alone” – Barbara said that all her years of experience have convinced her that we are ushered into the “other world” by the loved ones that have gone...