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At the end of life, there is so much mystery, so much we don't know. But because of the work of Barbara Karnes, we do have a map of the...
Are we taking better care of our dying family members than we were 30 years ago? It’s a question I ask end of life expert, Barbara Karnes RN on today’s episode. She...
When we think of dynamics we usually think of something like space travel or underwater exploration. The time evolution of physical processes not generally used when we think about dying,...
Help Choose Home Podcast Although death is an experience that we all share, it is a topic that is largely taboo, and for which people are often wholly unprepared. Barbara...
Grief 2 Growth will examine how the greatest tragedies of life often are opportunities for the most advancement. Planted, not buried is the motto of Grief 2 Growth. Unless a...
Deanna Cochran interviews Award winning author and nurse, Barbara Karnes has seen the evolution of the hospice movement from the beginning and has seen what is working and what is...
After seeing "New Rule For End of Life Care" at the Awareness Festival, Joni Yung sought out Barbara Karnes, RN to be a guest on her Podcast to talk about...
Barbara Karnes was one of our first guests on the podcast, and she returns as our very first guest to have a second interview. Barbara Karnes is a hospice pioneer...
Barbara is an award-winning end of life educator and hospice nurse who has worked with thousands of people in their process of dying. She was named the NHPCO Hospice Innovator...
This week we're celebrating our 2nd anniversary. As part of the celebration Helen and Jerry are sharing some of their gratitude moments each day this week.Today, Jerry offers his gratitude to...
Barbara Karnes talks about The Heart of Hospice.
At the Heart of Hospice we're always looking for great resources that help educate and encourage. One of the best websites for end of life education is bkbooks.com. BK Books...
A few weeks ago we had the privilege of having a conversation with Barbara Karnes, one of end of life care’s foremost authorities on death and dying. Barbara has devoted her...
My guest Barbara Karnes RN is a pioneer of the hospice movement who has been traveling the country since 1994 speaking about end-of-life issues. Her documentary film New Rules for End...
In this episode of Palliative Care Chat, Dr. McPherson talks with Ms. Barbara Karnes, RN who authored the book "Gone From My Sights.
Barbara Karnes, RN, is an internationally respected speaker, educator, author and thought leader on matters of death and dying. She is a renowned authority to explain the dying process to...
Barbara Karnes, award-winning end of life educator and nurse, has been at the bedside of hundreds of people during the dying process. Throughout her career, she has recognized that each...
While at the bedside of hundreds of people during the dying process, my guest Barbara Karnes, a Registered Nurse, noticed that each death was following a near identical script. Each...
In part one of this interview we met Barbara Karnes who spent decades working as a Registered Nurse and was present for the deaths of hundreds of people. The observations...
All of us are going to die someday. And most of us will have loved ones who will die from disease or old age before we do. In fact, some...