Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

We love sharing helpful info on our blog.

About the BK Team
EOL University Podcast with hospice innovator, Barbara Karnes, RN

Learn about the basics of hospice care, when to consider it, how to talk about it with others, and what to expect during the dying process.  Listen here.

Best Life Best Death, Part 2 "Sticky Questions"

Barbara Karnes, RN and I move into talking about some harder questions that come up in the end-of-life arena, including: When someone is reluctant to have a conversation about the...

Best Life Best Death Podcast, Part 1

How can we better understand the process of gradual death, and how can we benefit from “the gift of time” that is a gradual death? How can “gentle education” help...

Aging, Angst & Alleluias Podcast

Barbara says dementia at end of life and how the the disease "doesn't play by the rules" when it comes to the dying process.  Decreased eating and drinking, pain medications, and...

Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes, RN featured in USA Today

In her book, “The Final Act of Living: Reflections of a Long-Time Hospice Nurse,” Karnes discusses advance directives and other topics that we should address before our final act of living. 

The Death Dialogues Project Podcast interview with Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN

 This conversation holds so many jewels that are beneficial for all of us to hear. From what death asks of us to how to be there for ourselves and family...

When You Die Podcast with hospice nurse Barbara Karnes, RN

 If it has to do with death and dying, we’re talking about it. With me today is the wonderful multi-award winner Barbara Karnes, a nurse, author and extraordinary end-of-life educator....

The Heart of Hospice Podcast

Barbara Karnes, author of the iconic hospice guide “the little blue book” Gone from My Sight, talks with Jerry and Helen about ritual, self care wisdom, and thriving as end...

Fading Memories Podcast on Dememtia interviews Barbara Karnes, RN

People with dementia are at risk of receiving inadequate care because they cannot say what they want. Maintaining your verbal and non-verbal communication is essential. Be aware of their eating...

Meaningful Conversations with Singinlisa Podcast with Barbara Karnes, RN

Barbara Karnes is an American Hospice Pioneer. She offers compassion as explains the process of dying (Pt.1) She sat by the bedside of many patients who were at the end...

Interim HealthCare San Diego Hospice

End of Life Expert and Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN answers questions from death care workers at Interim HealthCare, San Diego, CA. Barbara explains how to care for the dying, how the...

Mission Hospice Community Conversation: Barbara Karnes, End-of-Life Care in the Age of COVID-19

As part of our community education program, Mission Hospice hosted a community conversation with award-winning nurse and end-of-life educator Barbara Karnes, RN. Barbara has been providing clear, easy to understand,...

LIFE IS A CEREMONY podcast on End of Life

This episode is very special to me because I had the opportunity to interview a woman who brought me so much light when my mother was dying of cancer fourteen...

Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN has updated her classic book, THE FINAL ACT OF LIVING, Reflections of a Long Time Hospice Nurse

Here is the updated version of my book "The Final Act of Living". I wrote a new preface, but the timeless material has stayed the same. This book is written...

"Mom is Dying And She Hasn't Eaten" vlog by Barbara Karnes, RN

There is a normal, natural way that people die. When a person begins reducing their food and water intake families can be alarmed. But this is normal. The body no...

Educating Your Staff About The End of Life Experience Podcast with Renowned Author, Barbara Karnes, RN

Today we speak with Barbara Karnes, RN on Educating Your Staff About The End of Life Experience. Barbara is the author of ‘Gone From My Sight’, ‘The Little Blue Book’...

End of Life Expert Barbara Karnes, RN is interviewed on this episode of LET'S TALK DEATH

In this episode, Barbara shares an experience from when she was a 16-year-old nurse’s aide asked to sit with someone dying. Terrified to do so, she was told to let...

Barbara Karnes, R.N., End Of Life Specialist and Author, Takes Questions From Listeners, FaceBook and Other Platforms

Barbara Karnes, R.N., end-of-life specialist and author, takes questions from listeners, Facebook, and other platforms and provides answers in a way each of us can understand.

End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN guests on the Radio Show The Healing Power of Grief

Barbara Karnes, R.N., end-of-life specialist and author, takes questions from listeners, Facebook, and other platforms and provides answers in a way each of us can understand.

Grief At The End of Life With Author and Specialist, Barbara Karnes, RN

"In our death ignoring society, COVID has put death right in front of our faces.  In modern time we haven't had to face this avalanche of dying..." Barbara Karnes, RN...

End of Life Expert, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the idea of hydration with the dying...

End of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the idea of hydration and dehydration with the dying...

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