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End of life expert, Barbara Karnes, RN speaks to the idea of hydration and dehydration with the dying...
I was asked a question from a woman whose mother is on hospice care and I thought I would share my response. The question was "My mother has stopped eating....
Author and end-of-life expert Barbara Karnes, R.N. joins Dr. Michael Fratkin to discuss compassionate palliative care in rural areas. Listen Here... Related Product is My Friend, I Care: The Grief Experience ...
Barbara Karnes is truly the American Hospice Pioneer. As a nurse, she noticed after her experiences at the bedside of hundreds of people before they died, that each death she...
Along with Revs. Bill Englehart and Richard Carlini, American Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN discuss' the crucial subjects of grief and loss, which touch each of us during the human...
We spent a few minutes with Ms. Karnes this week. Her compassion for hospice workers and grieving families comes through as she tells her story. Specifically, we wanted to know...
Most people fear the act of dying more than they actually fear being dead. And there’s two ways to die. Fast, which is being hit by truck or some other...
"How long?" Karnes says. "That is the most common question that (hospice workers) get from the family. What most don't understand is that there are dynamics to dying."
“Caring for someone who is going live is different from caring for someone who is dying, but most people don’t know that,” Karnes says. “We want this person to get...
Most people working in the field of dying, death, and grieving know about "the little blue book," as it has come to be known. Many hospice and palliative care organizations...
It's a fact that no one wants to talk about dying. In our culture, death is viewed as the enemy to be fought at all costs. Yet, death is a...
“No one dies alone” – Barbara said that all her years of experience have convinced her that we are ushered into the “other world” by the loved ones that have gone...
Karnes said when we find ourselves at the bedside of someone who is dying we are emotionally involved and do not really see what is happening. What is happening is...
When someone we care about, or someone we don’t care about, is dying it is scary and challenging to our idea of how life is supposed to be. Other people...
When I was 16 years old, I was a nurse’s aide in a small hospital. In 1959, hospitals were more like nursing facilities are today; patients were often there for...
Barbara Karnes, RN internationally recognized author, speaker, thought leader and expert on end of life care and the dynamics of dying. July 1, 2020 Barbara Karnes, RN, is an internationally...
Sudden death by accident, suicide and certainly by violence intensifies those normal grief responses. Everything we feel with normal grief is as if we are being held under a magnifying...
What the little blue book gave me and countless others who’ve read it was not the power to defy death. That much is obvious. But it gave us the armor to deny...
Hospice Blue Book:Gone From My Sight was written by award-winning nurse Barbara Karnes and is regarded as the gold standard in literature when it comes to end-of-life education. It comes in paperback and...
Dear Life with Christina Rasmussen EP54: Barbara Karnes, RN In today’s episode, I’m happy to share a truly extraordinary guest, Barbara Karnes, RN. Barbara is an internationally recognized author, speaker,...
Taking care of someone at the end of life is different than taking care of someone who is going to get better. Most people don’t understand this and aren't familiar...