Something to Think About

a blog on end of life

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When You Die Podcast with hospice nurse Barbara Karnes, RN

 If it has to do with death and dying, we’re talking about it. With me today is the wonderful multi-award winner Barbara Karnes, a nurse, author and extraordinary end-of-life educator....

Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN has updated her classic book, THE FINAL ACT OF LIVING, Reflections of a Long Time Hospice Nurse

Here is the updated version of my book "The Final Act of Living". I wrote a new preface, but the timeless material has stayed the same. This book is written...

Sahuarita Sun: Ellen Sussman interviews End of Life Expert Barbara Karnes, RN Speaks to Realities of Death

Karnes said when we find ourselves at the bedside of someone who is dying we are emotionally involved and do not really see what is happening. What is happening is...

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