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Booklet - How Do I Know You? Dementia At The End Of Life -  Caring for someone with dementia presents different challenges than caring for people with other health care issues. It doesn’t “play by the rules” that signify approaching death from disease or old age. This booklet outlines the issues and progress that a person with dementia will probably follow.
How Do I Know You? Dementia at the End of Life

How Do I Know You? Dementia at the End of Life

Sale price$4.00
Available Languages:English


Caring for someone with dementia presents different challenges than caring for people with other health care issues. Dementia plays by its own rulesThis booklet discusses the challenges in providing end of life care when dementia is the main diagnosis. It provides information to the family, friends, and professionals who are caring for and making end of life decisions on behalf of someone with dementia.

How Do I Know You? Dementia at the End of Life is often given to the family upon admission to the Palliative Care program to help them recognize signs of approaching death when dementia is present. It is also given to families when their loved one with dementia has stopped eating.

This booklet is a valuable resource to help you make informed decisions and recognize signs of approaching death. Order now and ensure compassionate care for your loved one with dementia.

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