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“A Time To Live” is literature for the newly diagnosed with a poor prognosis and/or the palliative care patient; for anyone faced with the unpredictability of their future due to living with a life threatening illness. It offers guidance for living and explains comfort control, nutrition, sleep, pain medications, overdosing and addiction possibilities as they relate to a serious illnesses as well as the fear of death that we all bring to this final experience.
Booklet - A Time To Live: Living With A Life-Threatening Illness

A Time to Live: Living with A Life-Threatening Illness

Sale price$4.00
Languages Available:English


For the newly diagnosed facing a life limiting illness. This booklet addresses issues of comfort, nutrition, and sleep as they relate to the palliative care patient. It provides guidance to help them live the best life they can within the confines of their body and disease.    

When a person receives the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, life as they know it ceases. They find themselves in uncharted territory with no script to follow. Too often they withdraw from the world, as if they have already died. All activity becomes centered on their living with disease and its treatment. Fear and uncertainty replaces confidence and self identity. The joys of living are more or less put on hold while living as long as possible is pursued.  

A Time to Live honors whatever life prolonging choices are being made while at the same time suggesting we look at the gifts life offers each day.   


“Living" -  what does that word really mean? Everyone has a different answer. Start with the idea that you are alive right now. If you are reading this booklet and have  a life threatening illness then you will be alive next week and probably next month. So, what do you want to do or say? What is keeping you from doing or saying it? How can those obstacles be overcome? - Barbara Karnes, A Time To Live


Discover the gentle guidance and insights to reclaim joy, overcome obstacles, and make the most of each precious moment. Like all of Barbara's booklets, A Time to Live is written in large print and the information is conveyed in a simple, direct yet gentle manner. Secure your copy today.

This booklet is also included in the End of Life Guideline Series.

To get, A Time To Live at a discounted rate, purchase the entire End of Life Guideline Series. Click here  

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