Staff Education

Consistent end-of-life education is key to ensuring continuity of care, with every team member providing the same compassionate guidance to patients and families. By using our end-of-life resources to educate your staff, you'll foster the unity and effectiveness needed to deliver the highest standard of care.



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Barbara Karnes, RN created the multi award winning "New Rules For End of Life Care" an educational kit that teaches people how to care for their loved one during the end of their life and  will give you the valuable information you need to understand the dying process.  Has information that addresses the behavior changes as they pertain to food, sleep and withdrawal but pain management and the use of narcotics, addiction and overdosing.  Booklets "Gone From My Sight
"  and "The Eleventh Hour" included.
By Your Side, A Guide for Caring for the Dying at Home by Barbara Karnes