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End of Life Guideline Series informs people on how to live with a life-threatening illness, what to expect when someone is dying, what to do to help, managing pain, how to address the fear of death and dying and how to grieve.

With over 30 million sold the "Little Blue Book" is the first, most beloved and widely used resource of its kind. Written by American hospice pioneer Barbara Karnes, RN, Gone From My Sight explains the signs of approaching death from disease and old age.
“The Eleventh Hour” is the companion booklet to "Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience" together they have been shown to significantly improve CAHPS scores, family survey results and meet Medicare requirements for consistent family education. Agencies/hospices put these two booklets together in their initial family packets to inform families on the signs of approaching death and how to care for a loved one who is dying.
There is much fear and misconception surrounding pain management at end of life.   Pain at End of Life  addresses, in fifth grade, non-medical terminology:  pain as it relates to the dying process fear of overdosing and addiction standardized dosages around the clock administration laxatives uses of morphine sedation as it relates to dying supplemental therapies
Booklet - How Do I Know You? Dementia At The End Of Life -  Caring for someone with dementia presents different challenges than caring for people with other health care issues. It doesn’t “play by the rules” that signify approaching death from disease or old age. This booklet outlines the issues and progress that a person with dementia will probably follow.
Long Sleeve T-Shirt - "People don't die like they do in the movies..."
Short Sleeve T-Shirt - "People don't die like they do in the movies..."
Sweatshirt - "People don't die like they do in the movies..."
Fitted T-Shirt - "People don't die like they do in the movies..."
Barbara Karnes Books Gift Card
Barbara Karnes Books Gift Card
Sale priceFrom $10.00