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Believing that knowledge reduces fear and that in our society there is considerable lack of knowledge about the normal, natural dying process, Barbara Karnes, RN writes weekly blog articles on end of life issues and answers questions or addresses comments submitted to her web site.  As the number of articles increased so have requests for a printed collection of the easy to read articles, hence the compilations.
Knowledge Reduces Fear: A Resource for End of Life Education

Knowledge Reduces Fear: A Resource for End of Life Education

Sale price$10.00


Knowledge Reduces Fear is a curated collection of some of Barbara’s most popular posts from her award winning blog, Something to Think About: A Blog on End of Life Care. In these posts, Barbara responds to questions and concerns from the community; addressing a wide range of topics on end of life care.  

Barbara believes that knowledge reduces fear and that in our society there is a considerable lack of knowledge about the normal, natural dying process. Her blog is one of the ways she educates the public and helps neutralize the fear of death.

Barbara Karnes, RN, is an internationally respected speaker, educator, author, and thought leader on matters of end of life. She is a renowned authority on the dying process and a leading educator for families, healthcare professionals, and the community at large.

We can’t take away the sadness of death. However, talking about it actually alleviates unnecessary pain and stress - because knowledge reduces fear.

Gain the understanding you need to navigate life's transitions with greater peace and serenity. Place your order today and embrace the comfort of knowledge. 

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