Taking care of someone at the end of life is different than taking care of someone who is going to get better. Most people don’t understand this and aren't familiar with the particular goals of end of life care. If we don’t teach people the difference, our end of life work will be judged by the wrong standard - by the standard of recovery, and satisfaction in the care we provide will suffer. In this important and engaging webinar, Barbara Karnes draws on her forty years of experience as an award-winning hospice nurse, agency administrator, educator and thought leader to talk about the critical role education plays in the care that we provide at end of life.
Details: One hour long webinar w/ power point and time at end for Q & A PRESENTER: American Hospice Pioneer Barbara Karnes, R.N.; former Director of Olathe Medical Center’s Hospice and Home Health Departments; author of “Gone From My Sight, the Dying Experience”, “My Friend, I Care, the Grief Experience”, “A Time To Live”, “Living with a Life-Threatening Illness”, “How Do I Know You”, “You Need Care Too”, “Pain at End of Life”,“The Final Act of Living”, “New Rules For End of Life Care” and “This Is How People Die”.
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