Something to Think About: a blog on end of life

Death As The Enemy: Barbara Karnes, RN

Death As The Enemy

I was just on the phone with a woman who told me the doctor told her friend he was surprised she had lived this long with the disease having spread...

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Abstain From Doing Harm: Barbara Karnes, RN

Abstain From Doing Harm

Where is medicine that treats PEOPLE that have diseases? Where is medicine that looks at the PERSON and finds out how they want to live and die based upon their...

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Does "No Code" mean "No Care"?

First, lets define “No Code”. The simplest explanation I found was Googled from the Free Dictionary“a note written in the patient record and signed by a qualified, usually senior or...

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Dying Without Faith? Barbara Karnes, RN

Dying Without Faith?

We die the way we have lived and there are few death bed conversions. Facing the end of our life does make us look at life and its meanings, but...

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Hospice- The Initial Visit: Barbara Karnes, RN

Hospice- The Initial Visit

Dear Barbara, I recently had a meeting with a family that was referred to hospice from a facility. They had about 10 family members at the meeting. The topic of...

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Grieving for Grandma article by American Hospice Pioneer, Barbara Karnes, RN

Grieving for Grandma

...Children and their grieving process is affected by their age and their maturity level.  We all grieve, no matter our age, but our understanding of this normal life experience varies...

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Tired of Fighting: Barbara Karnes, RN

Tired of Fighting

Barbara, I have a 23 year old daughter that has a chronic illness. She says she is tired of fighting. I don't want to lose her. I am lost.

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